How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids Q&a

Richard asks…

How to get rid of piles – hemorrhoid!?

This is so embarrassing but all day I’ve been feeling as though something was biting my bum! I had a look in the mirror and have Exactly what looks like a hemorrhoid. Haha! I’m only 22… I’ve looked on the Boots website and there is stuff called Anusol, it says it relieves itchiess, pain, swelling etc but will this actually get rid of it? Do I need to go to a doctor? I don’t have one where I live right now so bit of a pain. Thanks in advance!!

admin answers:

Hiya, Going through the same myself but mine is due to pregnancy. Unfortunatley I have just learnt that those creams made for them don’t get rid of them just stop the itching/bleeding/swelling and help relieve the pain from them. However I made a rutine my self and made my own cream and this seems to be reducing the size and feels so refreshed if nothing else. ( and people will tell you they never go, but 2 DR’s told me they do, and a midwife) So first start by having a warm bath in the morning ( after you have been to the toilet if pos ) if you haven’t time use a SITZ bath ( a big tub or buc
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Hemroids Q&a

John asks…

Since I was a child I get blood on the toilet paper after wiping 5 or so times in a row. Is this hemroids?

I always assumed this was just from vigorous wiping and that everyone gets this on those unfortunate occasions that you need to wipe more than 5 or so time on one occasion or have several bowel movements in a day. It hurts when I am wiping and for the next few minutes and on occasion as long as an hour or so on worse days. The pain is more of an annoyance than a real problem. Is it normal to have this tissue paper-sort of irritation or is this actually hemroids?

admin answers:

I can’t believe it, but I’m going to quote Howard Stern from his book Private Parts where he talks about his problems with anal fissures. Here are his rules for a healthier rectum: “I used to overwipe. I would scrape and strain. But you must only take three swipes and that’s it. Oh, and stay away from dyed toilet paper. Use white and you’ll be all right. If you feel dirty down there, jump in a shower and scrub down. But stick to the three-wipe maximum. “Also never push. Wait until that bowel movement is sliding out of your a– before you go to the bowl. If you’re pushing a lot, you probably need oat bran cereal for breakfast plu
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Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids Q&a

Laura asks…

Do I have hemorrhoids? PLEASE HELLPP!?

Sometimes when i go #2, I see a little bit of blood. I sometimes see it in my stool, but not enough that I was worried.Then, when I went last night, a lot more came out than usual. When I looked up my symptoms on the internet, it said I might have hemorrhoids. Don’t only old people get that? Should I go to my doctor or wait a bit? Do I even have hemorrhoids?!?!?? (those are my only symptoms)

admin answers:

It’s ok dude…drink 1500-2000ml water per day and eat more fruits and vegetable but if you’re worried then go to the doctor

Betty asks…


Im pretty sure i have a hemorrhoid but its not bothersome just ugly looking. But if i go to the doctor would they examen me or just ask me my symptoms? I want to get rid of it. What should I do? So i
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Hemroid Surgery Q&a

Donna asks…


okay so im 15 and i had major enternal hemroid surgery and i previously missed a lot of school, so i need help with my homework. i don’t know where to begin.. im so stressed over all my work, can someone help me.. or do it?!? or give pieces they know.. this was my health homework. Write the events listed below under the correct category in the order in which they occur. Fetus’s gener can be detected readily. implantation takes place. strangers are feared opening of the cervix widens all major organ systems have formed. uterus contracts at regular intervals eyes can open and close. baby can sit without any help. baby passes through the vagina fertilizion egg divides and moves into the uterus forming an embryo. first words are spoken. placenta and umbilical cord are pushed out of the uterus human faces are recognized. mother feels fetal movements first steps are taken. DEVELOPMENT IN THE UTERUS: A. _______ B. _______ C. _______ D. _______ E. _______ F. _______ CHILDBIRTH: A. _______ B. _______ C. _______ D. _______ EARLY CHILDHOOD: A. _______ B. _______ C. _______ D. _______ E. _______

admin answers:

Well if you number the choices above 1-15. Then und
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Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids Q&A

Sharon asks…

Anusol HC for Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids, please help?

Hi, my GP given me this medication as he thinks I may be displaying symptoms of hemorrhoids. The problem is, the pain went away when he’d given me them so I didn’t bother taking them. Two months later I still have the medication but I have a few questions; 1) It says on drug sites to not take them if you have a rectal obstruction, abscess, or perforation; irritation of the peritoneum (lining of the abdomen); or fistulas. My symptoms suggest hemorrhoids or abscess, my GP isn’t sure. He given me the medication knowing that I may have a symptom that restricts me from taking this medication. 2) Does it hurt taking them? They’re so huge… 3) Best way too take them? 4) It was a while ago, how often do I take them? I think it’s once a day for 12 days but I’m not 100%. 5) I also had a night out last night drinking Algol with friends, would this disturb me in any way? Thanks guys, I really appreciate your help. Alcohol*, sorry this spell check isn’t that good, lol. Also, I’m asking because the pain has come back.

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What Are Hemroids Q&a

Mary asks…

My wife is pregnant and is delveloping Hemroids, what can she do?

What will give her the best releif?

admin answers:

Not much she can do, considering it’s normal. But the link below should be able to help a little. Congrats and good luck!

Chris asks…

How can you tell if you have hemroids?

I heard some people say they never knew they had hemroids. Then I heard stories of people who said it hurt to sit down or poop. Then I heard you get constipated and cant poop, and when you do you pass blood? But it doesnt hurt? Im confused…If hemroids dont hurt then why do so many people complain about them….or do they hurt..what happens. I dont get it. (sorry I was reading about it in my pregnancy book).

admin answers:

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Hemroids Cause Q&a

Thomas asks…

am i allergic to my toilet paper cause after i used it i got very very itchy and it started get uncomfortable?

around my anus. But i am also having diarrhea today and maybe it irritated the skin around it. idk but i do know one thing is that its not hemroids or anything else because this is the first time it happened when i used that TP. ty for the answers but how do i stop the itchyness it driving me insane and same with the burning/pain im feeling when i walk.

admin answers:

You could try and applying some over the counter medicine before you go to bed at night if the itch still there. “Desitin”, creamy, zinc oxide diaper rash ointment, dypoallergenic. #1 choice of pediatricians and mothers. If it’s good enough for babies, it should be good enough for you.

Sandy asks…

Kind of embarrassing question about anal sex?

A few days ago my boyfriend and I had ana l sex for the first time. Now I’ve been having trouble with hemroi
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How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids Q&a

Lisa asks…

I have crohn’s disease and I can’t get rid of my hemorrhoids?

K so this is super embarrassing which is why I specifically made a yahoo account for this question. I have crohn’s disease and I have probably three or four external hemorrhoids. Pretty sure I’ve had them for like two months and they’re not going away. I’ve done a sh*t load of research on google on how to get rid of them. Everything is saying taking warm baths, use a cream blah blah blah. But none of that is working. As far as I know they shouldn’t last as long as I’ve had them. I seriously hope I don’t have to get them surgically removed cause that would suck. Has anyone else experienced this and know what to do?

admin answers: or try these… my dad got rid of them with creme so i don’t really have any sources but i know they can be aweful so i tried to help goodluck also some people suggest preparat
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Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids Itching Q&a

Carol asks…

Haemorrhoids or Cancer..Worried!!?

Before anyone answers i just want to say I’m going to the doctor, when they next have an appointment. I just want to know what people think? As sad as it sounds I want some reassurance. Ok so basically since November I’ve been having problems with my Anus. I have the following symptoms: 1) Mild Itching 2) Mucus. 3) Pain after going to the toilet. 4) Excessives straining while on the toilet 5) I have the feeling that I need the toilet when I don’t 6) At night sometimes I have a throbbing feeling in my anus to the extent where I have to put my hand under my bum to stop myself from feeling it <– That doesn't get rid of it but helps a bit I don’t remember the last time I didn’t have at-least one of these symptoms, I suffer from it daily, but its not to the extent where it stops me from doing my daily activities, hence why I was able to put this off for so long. Im 18 years old, and I’m pretty healthy. I have no medical conditions, other than the fact that I suffer from Acid Reflux; I dont know If that has anything to do with it. I dont know why I left it so long, but Im really worried that I may have Bowel Cancer, hence why I stupidly put of a medical examination till so long. Please pray for me. Please no stupid answers,
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Hemroid Bleeding Q&a

Mark asks…

What can I do about my hemroid?

I’m only 15 years of age and i went to the doctor and he said it’s just a hemroid and all you have to do is get fiber and drink water and i have done all of that and more. I recently got my tonsils removed and that allowed me to not have a bowel movement for a week. When i had my first movement there was no blood for about 2 weeks then it hit and i started to bleed alot. My mom says it’s nothing im too young to have a hemroid and i should just wait it out. I’ve been waiting it out for over 3 1/2 months and i dont think its going away. Can someone please tell me what i can possibly do? The Hemroid is internal, thats why it is so bad. I heard that they never go away and ill have to have surgery and thats something i do not want to do.

admin answers:

For internal hemorrhoids there are good non surgical option- Band ligation,injection sclerotherapy,cryo ablation,phototherapy and laser ablation. You need to consult colorectal surgeon to decide best for you. Surgical excision is not done in internal hemorrhoids. Mean while take high fiber diet,loads of fluid and laxatives.

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